Tools Tools Technical Pen Sales Repairs Home Nib Section Knock Block  This tool enables the safe removal of the nib and feed from the section.  Two drift rods are provided, one with a central hole so that sections with fixed breather tubes can be removed.  Price £28 Ding removal with the mandrel and roller Parker 61 mandrel Universal inner cap extractor in a wooden box with four sets of collets (for PFM, Parker 51, Reminder ballpen and Sheaffer Crest caps).

Dismantled caps

The tool fitted with a plastic inner cap extractor.  Note that no rotation occurs at the cap lip so there is no need for the thrust race that other designs require.

Band Clamp

This tool was adapted from a well known dental clamp.  It uses a thin strip of metal shim to apply even pressure around a circular object.  It is useful for holding barrel cracks together while gluing, for supporting fragile barrels while inserting a section and for holding Waterman clips in position while they are being riveted etc, etc.   £12

Open Vacumatics with ordinary pliers!

This the inexpensive way to remove Vacumatic pumps without damage to the threads.

These brass C-rings (with correct internal thread) can be gripped with ordinary pliers in order to unscrew the pump bush.  They are not designed for long and hard use.

For easier operation and long life the steel tool below is recommended.

Two sizes – 1.  For P51 and  Standard Vacs

                      2.  For Oversize Vacs

£6 each.

Parker 51 shell removal

The shell can be removed by gripping on the 48tpi 3-start barrel thread without damage to the sac protector or sac attachment.

Two tools are available:-

1.  A steel three-point grip tool (similar to the Vacumatic pump tool described above).  I consider this to be the best possible tool for the job.  It requires a 3-jaw chuck or Loggerhead pliers like the Vac tool.

Price  £24  

2.  A brass C-ring.  The C-ring is very effective, but it is a ‘starter’ tool and has limited life.  It can be gripped with ordinary pliers, but the life and effectiveness is extended if Loggerhead pliers are used.


Price £6

Nib straightening tools

Two tools are offered.  The convex tool is adequate for most nibs.  Where the finish of the nib is poor on the underside - perhaps because of previous repair -  the concave tool should be used so that the burnisher does not transfer defects to the outside of the nib.

The convex tool comes with a polished silver steel roller/burnisher.  The concave tool comes with a double ended polished silver steel burnisher.  Both form tools are made of mild steel.

Both tools have a 3.5 degree taper and accommodate diameters from 5mm to 10 mm.  Larger sizes can be made to order, but in 20 years of pen repair I have not needed a larger one.

Convex set   in wooden storage block   £32

Full set in wooden storage block   £82

Inner cap depth tool

‘This tool is the most important in the kit’.

(Arthur Twydle).

When setting the nib, this will ensure that there is enough room in the blind cap to accommodate it.  Failure to make this check could cause loss of the nib tip.   Always allow a clearance of about 1mm to prevent ink being drawn on to the end of the blind cap.


Vacumatic Pump Remover

This tool offers the best way of removing Vacumatic pumps.  It gives a three point grip which eliminates the possibility of distorting the bush (the conventional two point grip tool can crush the bush into an oval shape).  It is available in Standard or Oversize thread.

The tool requires a 3-jaw chuck or bionic wrench (Loggerhead wrench) to tighten it. The Loggerhead wrench is useful for many other pen repair tasks.

Standard and Oversize  £24 each


Taps  Made to customer requirements - Conway cap buttons, Visofil plunger etc.  Price on application.

Onoto Minor

The Onoto Minor is a plunger filler, but servicing is different from other Onoto plunger fillers.  The button is glued on and has no pin, and the piston nose is hidden down in the barrel throat.

This tool grips the piston nose so that it can be unscrewed (left hand thread) and the rod withdrawn (unlike other Onotos, the rod has no collar).

Price £24

Montblanc 146 and 149 nib tool

This will enable the removal and remounting of the nib unit on 146 and 149 Montblancs.

The 1mm square steel pins engage the holes on either side of the nib holder.  The pins may be placed at 120 or 180 degrees to suit the pen to be serviced, and their spacing may be set simply using the 8mm spanner and pin alignment jig (provided).  The manufacturing technique naturally produces double ended pins; these could be reduced to single ended ones, but they have been left as they are to ease adjustment and to provide insurance in the event of pin damage.

For the user who is not dealing with a vast number of pens, it is more economic than having to purchase the full range of fixed tools.

Price £68

Sheaffer Vac-fil knob remover (wobbly knob model)

This little tool enables the unscrewing of the aluminium retaining collar buried inside the blind cap.  Two teeth engage the slots in the top of this collar which can then be unscrewed (right handed thread) .  The black plastic retainer can then be unscrewed from the plunger rod.

Price £22

Pilot capless pen - nib removal tool

A split screwdriver tool specially designed for removing the nib and feed from the cartridge.

Price £26

Waterman Safety assembly tools

These tools facilitate mounting the seal and insertion of the spiral rod.  The part at the top of the picture enables proper positioning of the seal.  The cylinder at the right supports the seal in its seat while the brass piece, pushed by the spiral rod end,  makes a way through the seal.


Parker 51 inner cap gripper  This tool grips the inside of the inner cap to stop it rotating when attaching or detaching the jewel screw.  Price £25