Testimonials Home

A very skilled chap,

One couldn’t forget,

Who advertised

On the Internet.

So posted to Malvern

Where he happened to live,

I requested him soon

His attention to give,

To make me write

As in long lost days,

Have life in the present,

Know former ways.


Four weeks passed,

Than these no more,

When I returned

Through my owner’s door.


So now my ink flows

Over the page,

I’m young again

But still of great age.


At last my vocation

Again I fulfil:

Mabie Todd,

Swan Visofil!

Noel Kent (Reproduced with permission)

April 2006

 Resurrection of a Swan

Black and shiny

With rings of gold,

Now let my story

In verse be told.


Of the late thirties -

Modern then -

The highest fashion,

Of fountain pen.


Not many of me

Due to the Blitz,

Which blasted my factory

In Harlesden to bits.


Even fewer now

And hard to repair,

A delight to find,

In fact quite rare.


Once owned by Great Auntie

I wound up here,

Left in a drawer

For many a year.


But then a repairer,

Dr Oldfield by name,

From engineering

To retirement came.

 I really cannot thank you enough for the prompt attention that you gave to my query.  Clearly, such honesty and the wonderful examples that you have for sale makes you one of my preferred pen dealers.

Many thanks,



I am emailing you to let you know that as the one year guarantee on my Sheaffer fountain pen ends on the 18th Jan 06.  How pleased I am with my purchase from you.

The pen is still working perfectly and I would recommend you to anyone who is looking for a nice pen, either for everyday use or a quality keepsake.



Just received the pens this morning, and what a magnificent job you have done on them all.

They really do look 'as new'  …….all three write soooooo smooooothly, and much less stress and strain than using ball point. (A writing implement

that I can't see myself ever going back to.) 

Please add me to your list of very satisfied customers, and thank you once again.



Many thanks for your good work on the pens.  I really was surprised at your being able to make a replacement forward section for the desk pen.




You are aware that I believe that your work is excellent, but this time I am just stunned!  I sent you a poor condition Teal Blue 51 to be patched up a bit and you have returned to me a star, I can hardly believe it is the same pen.  I don't think that I have the heart to take it to the shooting range, the members are just going to have to put up with me and my disposable Biro!

You have outdone ALL my expectations this time and all I can say is thank you very much. 



Thank you for your reply to my e-mail, and for such a thorough response to my queries.  It is nice to find someone who has such an obvious love of fountain pens.



Another super job,



Enclosed is a cheque for the last work.  I must let you know that of all the restorers that I have used in the UK you are the only one that returns superb work.  Many thanks.



Thank you for servicing the Swan pen for me so promptly.  It is lovely to use now.  The Parker 51 (red) is so much better now as well.



Many thanks for “saving” my pen. It is wonderful to have it in full working order again after all these years.  I feel an old friend has returned.



What a beautiful pen!  The nib suits my hand and I am delighted with it.  I appreciate the copy of your article on Visofils.  I have a Mk 1 …….



Thank you for receipt of my repairs for which I enclose a cheque for … which I think is a very reasonable cost for the splendid job you did.



Many thanks for your nice repair job, the cap looks super.



Thank you for the excellent nib repair work,



All I can say is “Wow!!” – thanks so very much for a fabulous job.  The workmanship evident in each repair is superb and far superior to any I have experienced in the past



You did a really great job.  Thanks!

